Lets face it after Christmas everyone wants to get fit and what easier way than hitting the road with a cycling workout, this is one of the quickest ways to lose weight and feel better about yourself – and it’s fun too. Whether you’re looking to lose those extra Christmas pounds, just improve your fitness or just looking to get a little bit of exercise back into your life, a cycling workout can be just the ticket for you.
My training regularly sees me burning 3000 calories from 25+ miles however, if you have a few miles to travel to work or school in the mornings this is an easy way to kill two birds with one stone and gradually lose that weight.
Remember though that whilst you might feel fine, underneath it is always possible that there could be a number of problems that have gone undetected until now that could be subsequently triggered by picking up the pace with your exercise program, so always consult a doctor before conducting a new physical activity.
Firstly, your fitness with cycling program should begin with a few stretches or even a light jog, to make sure your muscles are warmed up for physical activity. After that, climb on board your bike and get cycling. Always take it slow at first, whilst we all think we are budding Lance Armstrong’s remember he trained more hours that most people work.
A good idea is to take it slowly to start with – On your first day, cycle a block or cycle to work at a medium pace. Don’t try to race there – you will tire yourself out and you’ll be in no state to hit the office. Likewise it’s important to ease yourself into an exercise program, particularly if you haven’t been overly active for a few years or you’re looking to shift excess weight. After a couple of weeks boost your intensity and your distance on your cycling regime to build up your fitness levels and to get you moving and burning calories and fat. Ultimately keep going up in intensity as your body learns to handle more in order to leave you with the perfect introduction to a fitness for cycling program.
Cycling for fitness reasons can be both fun and practical, and it can also help shift excess weight in no time at all. Try it today, after visiting your GP for a health check, and see what wonders can lie in store for you after beginning a more active, healthier lifestyle with a view to losing weight and feeling great. Let me know how you get on.
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